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TG20 Fiat

Manufactured by EthosEnergy (OEM)

Gas Turbines
TG20B7 8UG

Specyfikacja urządzenia

Our EthosEnergy TG20B7 / 8UG is the latest evolution of TG20 / W251B8 / MW251B8 frame, a robust design capable of operation on natural gas, DF2 or HFO fuels.

The gas turbine is manufactured to order and serviced by EthosEnergy, including provision of hot gas path inspection, overhaul, efficiency and other upgrades, conversions or long-term services and O&M.

Title TG20 Fiat
Condition New
Power Output (MW) 45,4
Fuel Configuration
  • Natural Gas
  • DF2
  • Heavy Fuel Oil
  • Low BTU Coal Gas
Combustion Type
  • DLN
  • Dry Low Nox
Total Running Hours 0
Generator Make Various
Rated Voltage (kV) 11
Frequency (Hz) 50,60
Cooling Type Air Cooled
Description EthosEnergy is the OEM for the TG20

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